“Lucky Lindy” album Music and Lyrics The “Lucky Lindy” CD project is the result of share good times with Lindy and kids in the Kalamazoo Public Schools. Kids have contributed words, swirls, twists and the spirit that made this project the success that it has been. Success is measured by the enjoyment we have shared with kids of all ages, big and small.
“Lucky Lindy ”
Lyrics: “Lucky Lindy”
The Fishing Song
See You Smile (Audio too large for website) Lyrics: See You Smile
The Bunny in My Backyard
Lyrics: The Bunny in My Backyard
The Handsome Raccoon
The Big Tall Handsome Raccoon 2012
If My Kitty Could Dance
Lyrics: If My Kitty Could Dance 2012
Soft Around the Middle
Lyrics:Soft Around the Middle
Quite So Seriously
Lyrics: Quite So Seriously
The Nicer You Are
Lyrics: The Nicer You Are
Lyrics: Limitations
Whole New World
Peace in My Time (Audio too large for website) Lyrics: Peace in My Time